Friday, September 14, 2012

Hillsdale Countryside

On Tuesday afternoon, I decided it was time to get more groceries and since I don't have a car, I ended up walking. This turned out to be such a peaceful walk! I turned on my iPod and enjoyed the beautiful sunny day! Hillsdale is a very small county with only about 9,000 people. As small as it is, there are still elements that make it beautiful! (And I'm not talking about the college campus!) As I was walking, I crossed over a brook, saw a deer, admired farmland, said hello to every stranger, and smelled the Fall air! It was so relaxing and a great 2 mile workout!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for exercising and basking in God's good creation! Next step: turn OFF the IPod and enjoy the quiet! =)
