Sunday, October 28, 2012


Hillsdale traditionally holds something called "Mock Rock" on Homecoming weekend where all the sororities, fraternities, and residence houses put together a choreographed mixup and perform it at the Saturday night Homecoming Dance. Last night my dorm Olds performed it and we looked great and had a ton of fun! Here we are:

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's Official!

Ashley, Me, and Sarah "studying"
Folks, it's official. I have pulled my first week of almost all-nighters working on essay rewrites and bibliographies and studying. I'm obviously starting to feel the load of homework that we're given and it makes me feel like I am learning so much! Although I maybe shouldn't have stayed up so late, it was a great test of my endurance and it has given me SUCH a boost of confidence that says I can take on pretty much any assignment and get it done! So, I never thought I'd say I would be thankful for this experience, but I am. I definitely will not be waiting around until the last few days before an assignment is due... ever again.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Henry Payne Comics

Last weekend, I went to a college art exhibit featuring Henry Payne's political comics - Ashley was with me and we had quite a laugh at some of these!

Hillsdale Arboretum

I spent one afternoon last week reading in the college's arboretum and I forgot how absolutely beautiful and peaceful it is there! Fall is really incredible here.


Fall Break

I apologize for the lack of posts recently - I got back from Fall break and had more tests and started a new class (now I'm in Physics because Chemistry just ended). I'll be back to posting regularly now!

I got to see my whole family over break which was so nice and celebrate everyone's birthdays. I can't believe how much older Benedict is looking!

I also got to spend time with Amy and her mom made us the classic "sausage rolls" which I adore :)

It was good to be home! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Brief Tour of Olds - My Dorm

This has been a long time coming, but here is a virtual tour of my dorm - Olds Residence

Outside of Building
Main entrance as you walk in the door

Better View of our Courtyard (Center of last picture)

My Hall - Upper Right (Mama Cobb's Door is 1st)

My Doorway and My Chalkboard (Personalized by my RA's)

Fall at Hillsdale

One thing I LOVE about Hillsdale besides all the people and academics... is the autumn scenery :)
Just take a look at all the beauty of God's creation here!

My Favorite


"Autumn begins with a subtle change in the light, with skies a deeper blue, and nights that become suddenly clear and chilled. The season comes full with the first frost, the disappearance of migrant birds, and the harvesting of the season's last crops."

Horseback Riding

Last Sunday, I got to go on a trail ride with Hillsdale's Equestrian Club! It was so relaxing and a lot of fun!



Ray's Tavern

Last Saturday I joined my friends Amanda and Ashley and we went to "Ray's Tavern" - It's this little restaurant located in Reading, MI and it was rated #1 Burger Place in America back in the 1980's so we decided to check it out (Amanda is also writing an article on it for the college newspaper, the Collegian). It turned out to be a typical small town bar, but the burgers were delicious!!

Amanda (driving) and Ashley (right)
Beautiful Sunflowers in Reading, MI

Amanda's goofy side :)
Inside of the bar area

Back of the restaurant
USA Today "Top Burger" Joint Article

Don't worry - those weren't our beers :)