Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back at Hillsdale....

As I alluded to in my "Thanksgiving" post, I've been crazy busy. I think everything just piled up on top of itself but I'm caught up and now in 'study for finals' mode. I have one more major paper due tomorrow, a test friday, and four finals next week until I head home! I can't wait. I miss home!

In Hillsdale news, my roommate was featured in the state's oldest college newspaper (Hillsdale's 'Collegian') where she is quoted saying:

I am so proud of her!!
Also, our new Athletic Complex is supposed to open in February and it looks so great already! It is going to feature a new cafe, indoor tennis courts, a track field?, and other athletic equipment. I can't wait to have indoor courts so I can go play and get more exercise! 

Finally, I was visiting Central Hall (The pretty blue clock tower) and snatched this photo off the top floor:


As I'm sure you assumed, I've been SO busy at school. I literally haven't had a minute to blog. I am finally catching up on everything school-wise and preparing for next weeks finals and then HOME! Here's a snapshot of Thanksgiving at Aunt and Uncle's house:

Dinner Table

Molly, Aunt Loretta, Me

Per usual, we celebrated Aunt Rita's birthday!

First Snow in Michigan!! For the record, the weather here has been in the 40s-60s and has not snowed since this day.
I had such a memorable time staying at Grandma's house. (She made her pasta and homeade meatballs and cheesecake.. so good. I didn't how deprived of FOOD I was at Hillsdale!)
We also went over to Uncle Bob and Aunt Loretta's house for Thanksgiving and had a big dinner and visited with family and friends. Another great meal!
I can't forget my favorite - shopping with my cousin Molly and my 90 year old Grandma for black friday! We got some great deals and shared some special time together :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Hillsdale traditionally holds something called "Mock Rock" on Homecoming weekend where all the sororities, fraternities, and residence houses put together a choreographed mixup and perform it at the Saturday night Homecoming Dance. Last night my dorm Olds performed it and we looked great and had a ton of fun! Here we are:

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's Official!

Ashley, Me, and Sarah "studying"
Folks, it's official. I have pulled my first week of almost all-nighters working on essay rewrites and bibliographies and studying. I'm obviously starting to feel the load of homework that we're given and it makes me feel like I am learning so much! Although I maybe shouldn't have stayed up so late, it was a great test of my endurance and it has given me SUCH a boost of confidence that says I can take on pretty much any assignment and get it done! So, I never thought I'd say I would be thankful for this experience, but I am. I definitely will not be waiting around until the last few days before an assignment is due... ever again.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Henry Payne Comics

Last weekend, I went to a college art exhibit featuring Henry Payne's political comics - Ashley was with me and we had quite a laugh at some of these!

Hillsdale Arboretum

I spent one afternoon last week reading in the college's arboretum and I forgot how absolutely beautiful and peaceful it is there! Fall is really incredible here.


Fall Break

I apologize for the lack of posts recently - I got back from Fall break and had more tests and started a new class (now I'm in Physics because Chemistry just ended). I'll be back to posting regularly now!

I got to see my whole family over break which was so nice and celebrate everyone's birthdays. I can't believe how much older Benedict is looking!

I also got to spend time with Amy and her mom made us the classic "sausage rolls" which I adore :)

It was good to be home!